Will iconic images recorded in the grooves of an ancient vase unite the Holy Land or rip it further apart?


A novel by Mark M. DeRobertis

Muhsin Muhabi is a Palestinian potter, descended from a long line of potters. His business is run from the same shop owned by his ancestors since the day his forebears moved to Nazareth. The region's conflict saw the death of his oldest son, and rogue terrorists are in the process of recruiting his youngest in their plot to assassinate the Pope and Israeli prime minister.

Professor Hiram Weiss is an art historian at Nazareth’s Bethel University. He is also a Shin Bet operative on special assignment. With the help of fellow agent, Captain Benny Mathias, he plans to destroy the gang responsible for the death of his wife and only child. He puts a bomb in the ancient vase he takes on loan from Muhsin’s Pottery Shop.

Mary Levin, the charming assistant to the director of Shin Bet, has lost a husband and most of her extended family to recurring wars and never-ending terrorism. She dedicates her life to the preservation of Israel, but to whom will she dedicate her heart? The brilliant professor from Bethel University? Or the gallant captain who now leads Kidon?

Harvey Holmes, the Sherlock of Haunted Houses, is a Hollywood TV host whose reality show just flopped. When a Lebanese restaurant owner requests his ghost-hunting services, he believes the opportunity will resurrect his career. All he has to do is exorcise the ghosts that are haunting the restaurant. It happens to be located right across the street from Muhsin’s Pottery Shop.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summer Coming! It's Time...

Summer is approaching, and that means it’s time to write my fourth novel. I have two ideas and I’ll talk about one of them right now. Like THE VASE, it’s a story that’s been brewing in my head for a long time. But unlike my fiction stories, it’s actually a TRUE story. Thus it would be a Historical Novel, also known as Historical Fiction. You know the old saying that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction – or more interesting, anyway, for the mere fact that it’s true, and there are a lot of true stories that are quite fascinating.

And one of them is the story of John Dunn. If you never heard of him, go ahead and Google him. He’s a 19th Century white man who lived in Africa. And even though he was white, (Scottish descent,) he became best friends with the Zulu king, Cetshwayo, and rewarded by Cetshwayo with his own Zulu sub-kingdom. So yeah, he was actually a white Zulu king, with near fifty Zulu wives and he fathered over a hundred Zulu kids. (He also had a white wife, and she wasn’t so fond of sharing him with so many black ones. But, hey, he was a king!) I’m telling you it’s a true story. Otherwise, I wouldn’t dare think of such a premise.

This man, John Dunn, has a story worth telling, and though his biography was written already by Charles Ballard, I would like to tell it in a novel-type format. You know, focusing on the adventure and the conflict. (He was thick in the middle of the Anglo-Zulu war, which, for him, was a horrible situation. After all, his ethnic ancestry was from the UK, (Scotland) but his allegiance was to the Zulus. (Again, he was a king!)

But even though he was a Zulu king, he was no fool. He knew the British would win that war, and if he sided with the Zulus, guess what would have happened to him afterwards. The British would hang him for treason! (They told him as much!) So what would you do? Right. That’s what John Dunn did. He sided with the British. But he didn’t forsake the subjects of his sub-kingdom. He took them (near ten thousand) to the British side of the Tugela River.

Anyway, I haven’t decided yet. I’m only thinking about it. But as I do, I’m buying as many books about John Dunn, the Zulus, and Cetshwayo as I can for research, particularly the autobiographies of both men. Certainly, I want to stay true to the real events within the story. So yeah, it’s a story that needs to be written by someone. Maybe it’ll be me.

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